
Founded by immigrants for immigrants, FundaveNYC understands firsthand the needs and challenges we face. Whether you’re seeking to know your rights or find trustworthy sources, this page shares information to help us along our journeys.

Statement on latest US immigration developments

Know Your Rights (KYR)

Regardless of your immigration status, you have constitutional rights in the United States. It’s essential to know and exercise them.

Coalicion por Venezuela: KYR Guide for US immigrants 

New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) – Advocacy and resources for immigrant communities.

NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) – Government programs and services for immigrants in New York City.

Immigrant Defense Project – Legal guidance for immigrants across the US facing deportation.

Office of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez: Virtual English KYR recording

Personalized Safety Plan

It is crucial to be prepared in case of an emergency or in the worst of cases, (unlawful) detainment. 

Personalized Safety Plan Template – Fill out a step-by-step safety plan tailored to your situation.

Immigrant Legal Resource Center Red Cards – Printable cards you can show law enforcement officers in written English informing them you know rights. Carry on you to shorten interaction and prevent unlawful questioning.

Let's Talk! / ¡Hablemos!